Implementation details

As hexabomb uses netorcai and therefore the netorcai metaprotocol, this page first defines the game-dependent part of the protocol, which is essentially the format of the players’ Actions and of the Game state. This page then answers frequently asked questions.

In netorcai, players are identified by a unique number \(playerID\). In hexabomb, the color of a player is set to \(playerID+1\). This is because color 0 is reserved for neutral cells.


On each turn, players send their actions in a TURN_ACK netorcai message.

An action is represented as a JSON object with the following fields.

  • id (number): The character unique identifier.
  • movement (string): The type of action. Must be one of the following.
    • move if one wants the character to move.
    • bomb if one wants the character to drop a bomb.
    • revive if one wants the character to be revived.

Other fields are required depending on the desired movement.

  • direction (string): The desired direction for move movements. Must either be x+, y+, z+, x-, y-, or z-.
  • bomb_range (number) and bomb_delay (number): The desired bomb range and delay for bomb movements. Both must be respect \(\{n \in \mathbb{N}\ |\ 2 \leq n \leq 4\}\).
  • (No parameters are required for revive movements.)

Actions examples

The following example shows the actions taken by one player during one turn.

  • Character 0 wants to move one cell towards the \(x^+\) direction.
  • Character 1 wants to drop a bomb on its current cell. The bomb should have a delay of 3 turns and a range of 3 cells.
  • Character 2 wants to revive (on the cell where it died).
    {"id":0, "movement":"move", "direction":"x+"},
    {"id":1, "movement":"bomb", "bomb_delay":3, "bomb_range":3},
    {"id":2, "movement":"revive"}

Application of actions

hexabomb applies the actions in best effort. It will first try to apply each action in a given order, then try to apply failed actions until convergence of the game state.

The order into which the actions are applied is described in the following algorithm. Feel free to read the actual implementation in hexabomb’s source code for more details.

|   For each player in order of actions reception
|   |   For each action in player-specified order
|   |   |   Try to apply action if it has not been already applied successfully
While (game state has been modified)

Game state

hexabomb describes and sends the game state in DO_INIT_ACK and DO_TURN_ACK netorcai messages. Players receive the game state described here in GAME_STARTS, TURN and GAME_ENDS netorcai messages.

The game state is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • cells: An array of cells. Each cell is an object with the following fields.

    • q (number): The cell \(q\) axial coordinate.
    • r (number): The cell \(r\) axial coordinate.
    • color (number): The cell color. 0 means neutral. Otherwise, means the cell belongs to player with \(playerID=color-1\)
  • characters: An array of characters. Each character is an object with the following fields.

    • id (number): The character unique identifier.
    • color (number). The character color. Means the character belongs to player with \(playerID=color-1\).
    • q (number): The \(q\) axial coordinate of the cell the player is in.
    • r (number): The \(r\) axial coordinate of the cell the player is in.
    • alive (boolean): Whether the character is alive or not.
    • revive_delay (number): The number of turns before which the player can be revived. Dead characters can only be revived when it reaches 0. -1 for alive characters.
    • bomb_count (number): The number of bombs the character holds. Either 0, 1 or 2. Increased by 1 every 10 turns (with a maximum of 2).
  • bombs: An array of bombs. Each bomb is an object with the following fields.

    • color (number): The bomb color. Means the bomb belongs to player with \(playerID=color-1\).
    • range (number): The bomb range (AKA explosion radius), in number of cells.
    • delay (number): The bomb delay. Bombs explode when it reaches 0.
    • q (number): The \(q\) axial coordinate of the cell the bomb is in.
    • r (number): The \(r\) axial coordinate of the cell the bomb is in.
  • explosions: An object of cells that exploded this turn. The key is the color of the exploded cells, while the value is an array of objects with the following fields.

    • q (number): The \(q\) axial coordinate of the cell that just exploded.
    • r (number): The \(r\) axial coordinate of the cell that just exploded.
  • cell_count: An object where keys are player identifiers (not colors!) and values are their associated number of cells.

  • score: An object where keys are player identifiers (not colors!) and values are their associated score.

Game state example

The following example shows a game state.

  • There are three cells. Two belongs to first player, the last belongs to the other player.
  • There are two characters. Only one of them is alive. The other cannot be revived right away, but it will be revivable next turn.
  • There is one bomb.
    {"q":0, "r":0, "color":1},
    {"q":0, "r":1, "color":2},
    {"q":0, "r":2, "color":2},
    {"q":1, "r":1, "color":2}
    {"id":0, "color":1, "q":0, "r":0, "alive": true, "revive_delay":-1},
    {"id":1, "color":2, "q":0, "r":2, "alive":false, "revive_delay": 3}
  "bombs": [
    {"color":1, "range":3, "delay":2, "q":0, "r":1}
  "explosions": {
    "2": [
      {"q":0, "r":2},
      {"q":1, "r":1}
    "0": 2,
    "1": 3
    "0": 8,
    "1": 21

How is a turn simulated?

On each turn, hexabomb does the following steps in order. Once again, feel free to read hexabomb’s source code in case of doubt.

  1. Apply players actions (see Application of actions)
  2. Reduce the revive delay of dead characters.
  3. Increase the bomb count of all characters (every 10 turns).
  4. Reduce bomb delays, explode those reaching a delay of 0, compute chain reactions then color exploded cells and kill any character on them.
  5. Update the cell count and score of each player.